BoomBox是一款适合文章分享及杂志型商业主题,具有一流的设计和极其可定制的布局,充满了娱乐分享和独特功能,由最强大的分享内容构建器提供支持。 可以填写新闻,列表,投票或测验,通过社交分享,趋势,反应和上/下投票系统传播他们,驱动博客社区和任何类型的广告货币化。 是一款不可多得的视频搞笑类博客使用。
- Enhanced WordPress Customiser options
- Full Width or Boxed layouts
- Unlimited 2 layer header layout and behaviour variations
- 2 layer footer with 3 widget area
- Shape patterns for header and footer (e.g. rags, clouds, grass, none)
- Advanced sidebars management
- 8 post listing types with infinite scroll, “load more” or numeric pagination
- 2 size of post strip slider & 3 types of featured posts area
- Fully customisable colour scheme, styles & fonts
- Hide/Show any element on any page
- Create prototype of BuzzFeed, BoredPanda, 9Gag or any other viral magazine
- 4 post ranking types: Views, Shares, Upvotes, Comments
- Configure trending criteria by one of the 4 ranking types
- Trending (24 hours), Hot (last 7 days) & Popular (last 30 days)
- Trending, Hot & Popular fancy badges
- Generate Most Viewed, Most Shared, Most Voted & Most Discussed post lists
- Create pages of best post lists by any criteria within different period of time
- Configure all sections of post lists by one of 4 criteria (featured posts, strips, widgets)
- Let visitors vote with reactions just after reading
- Highlight 2 most frequent reactions on post
- Engage other visitors by showing fancy reaction badges
- Custom colour options for reaction badges
- 24 reaction emojis – 2 hand handcrafted set
- Possibility to add custom reaction emojis (svg files)
- Create post lists by reaction categories
- Set minimal reaction score for classifying post under that reaction
- Set maximal reaction types count per vote
- Restrict voting by login or just by visitor IP
- Category badges (e.g. quiz, poll, music, videos etc.)
- Create any badge with 600+ icons
- Reaction badges with texts or emojis (e.g. lol, omg, wtf, geeky etc.)
- 24 reaction emojis – 2 hand handcrafted set
- Possibility to add custom reaction emojis (svg files)
- Trending, Hot and Popular badges
- Independently set custom colours to all type of badges
- Create badges navigation
- Disable any type of badges
- Enable frontend submissions & build bloggers community
- Simple News and Numbered Listicles
- Open Lists with voting
- Personality Quiz, Trivia Quiz and Polls
- Galleries and Playlists
- Audio and Video Embeds
- Social Media Embeds
- Meme generator and more
- Moderation System
- Powered by MashShare plugin
- Clear call to action buttons
- Fully customisable styles
- Editable buttons labels
- Sticky sharing bar
- Adjustable share buttons positions
- Fake share counts for easy start
- 25+ networks possibility via Mashshare add-on (including WhatsApp for mobile)
- Force to share quiz before seeing result with Viralpress
- ads injected into post lists
- ads in sidebar with sticky option
- ad before/after the header area
- ad before/after the content area
- ad before the “You may also like” section
- ad before the “More from” section
- ad before the “Don’t miss” section
- ad before the comments section
- ad in footer widget area
- ads in locations like “before the article first paragraph” etc…
- SEO optimised
- W3 valid / semantically correct HTML Code
- Cross browser compatible (IE 9+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome etc.)
- Fully Responsive Design
- Retina Ready
- RTL support
- Advanced GIF control
- Upvotes and Downvotes
- Newsletter with MailChimp subscriptions
- All Social Media Icons from Font Awesome
- 600+ Google Fonts
- Contact Form 7 support
在线演示8折优惠获得- 提示:这篇文章发布于 2017/06/06,作者 99839,总计 3246 字.
- 原文: BoomBox – 强大的专业娱乐分享类WordPress主题汉化版 | 爱壹主题