今天分享 一个有趣的玩意。那就是给文章增加阅读时间Meta值。在我的新主题IEBLOG主题中我们集成了这个功能。显示效果见图
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/# Calculate reaad time /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/if(!function_exists('ie_calculate_reading_time')){ function ie_calculate_reading_time($postID = false, $echo = false) { $wpm = 250; if(!$postID){ $postID = get_the_ID(); } $include_shortcodes = true; $exclude_images = false; $tmpContent = get_post_field('post_content', $postID); $number_of_images = substr_count(strtolower($tmpContent), '<img '); if ( ! $include_shortcodes ) { $tmpContent = strip_shortcodes($tmpContent); } $tmpContent = strip_tags($tmpContent); $wordCount = str_word_count($tmpContent); if ( !$exclude_images ) { $additional_words_for_images = ie_calculate_images( $number_of_images, $wpm ); $wordCount += $additional_words_for_images; } $wordCount = apply_filters( 'ie_filter_wordcount', $wordCount ); $readingTime = ceil($wordCount / $wpm); // If the reading time is 0 then return it as < 1 instead of 0. if ( $readingTime < 1 ) { $readingTime = esc_html__('< 1 min read', 'ie-core'); } elseif($readingTime == 1) { $readingTime = esc_html__('1 min read', 'ie-core'); } else { $readingTime = $readingTime.' '.esc_html__('mins read', 'ie-core'); } if($echo){ echo $readingTime; } else { return $readingTime; } } }
if(!function_exists('ie_calculate_images')){ function ie_calculate_images( $total_images, $wpm ) { $additional_time = 0; // For the first image add 12 seconds, second image add 11, ..., for image 10+ add 3 seconds for ( $i = 1; $i <= $total_images; $i++ ) { if ( $i >= 10 ) { $additional_time += 3 * (int) $wpm / 60; } else { $additional_time += (12 - ($i - 1) ) * (int) $wpm / 60; } } return $additional_time; } }
<?php echo ie_calculate_reading_time(); ?>
- 提示:这篇文章发布于 2019/03/04,作者 99839,总计 1772 字.
- 原文: 教程:如何给文章增加阅读时间 | 爱壹主题