我们发现Kallyas在这么多专业的企业主题中相当优秀,拥有令人难以置信的创造性。通过此主题能够设计出不同类型的商业企业主题。而且这个主题可以用作一个单页网站,摄影作品或画廊,公司,酒店休闲,建筑建筑师,旅行预订,保健,教育,健身健身运动私人教练,零售时尚和美容等登陆页网站使用。支持视网膜和RTL。 视差视图, Revolution slider革命滑块。截止目前,此主题拥有超过17,000名满意的客户,Kallyas的应用程序几乎是无处不在的。而且集成了作者开发的超级容易使用的拖放页面生成器“VisualBuilder”(无需插件),你可以构建几乎任何页面可想象。它就像你编辑1,2,3那么简单。
主要特点:基于Bootstrap 架构,一键安装,页面搭建器,自适应,SEO,WPML 支持,WooCommerce 支持,无限侧边栏,无限颜色,无限首页变化,3个作品布局,12个自定义页面模板,相册功能等。
KALLYAS – the all-in-1 multipurpose WordPress theme, responsive, lightweight, drag & drop visual page builders & no coding required, 6 months support included.
We found Kallyas in so many professional businesses, it`s incredible how creative people are. This clean & modern Theme can be used as a one page website, photography portfolio or gallery, corporate, hotel leisure, construction architecture architect, travel booking, health care, education, fitness gym sport personal trainer, retail fashion & beauty landing page app, pokemon game, best admin, jewelry, food, interior design church nonprofit. Retina & RTL. Parallax, Free Revolution slider. Awesome community support.
With over 17,000 satisfied customers, the applications for Kallyas are almost endless. With our super easy to use drag and drop page builder “Visual Builder”, developed right out of the box (no plugins required) you can build almost any page imaginable. It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3. Really!
1. Drag and Drop your element
2. Edit your element (image, video, whatever!)
3. Select your settings, Save & Close.
Added: New demo! Wedding http://demo.kallyas.net/wedding/
Added: New demo! Freelancer http://demo.kallyas.net/freelancer/
Added: New demo! Watch Shop http://demo.kallyas.net/watchshop/
Added: New demo! Jewelry #2 http://demo.kallyas.net/jewelry2/
Added: New demo! Barber Shop http://demo.kallyas.net/barbershop/
Added: New demo! Dash http://demo.kallyas.net/dash/
Added: New demo! Education http://demo.kallyas.net/education/
Added: New demo! Parallax http://demo.kallyas.net/parallax/
Added: New demo! Portfolio Minimal http://demo.kallyas.net/portfolio-minimal/
Added: "Animated Counter for number" element, as plugin bundled with Kallyas.
Improvement: iOS Slider on Firefox
Improvement: RTL Layout
Improvement: Added simple fixed header option. Unlike Sticky header, the header will just stay fixed.
Improvement: Video Background improvements. Dropped old browser polyfills.
Improvement: Extended Theme Options Menu from WP Admin Bar to include subpages
Improvement: 404 page can be made with the page builder
Improvement: Added filter to hook on Sidebar class;
Improvement: Added filter to hook on site-header's class;
Improvement: Added filter to hook on Blog-columns layout, number of columns;
Improvement: Button element new underline style, hover color and spacing options;
Improvement: Added more Schema.org rich snippets throughout the theme;
Improvement: added option to disable smooth scroll on OSX;
Improvement: Parallax background various tweaks;
Improvement: Added portfolio image size option;
Improvement: Added order option for all portfolio types;
Improvement: Added "show title or description" in all portfolio types;
Improvement: Added hash link for portfolio items in sortable portfolio;
Improvement: Mega menu titles relative to custom fontsize;
Improvement: ScreenshotBox element tweaks;
Improvement: Custom menu element, added depth support for horizontal menu;
Improvement: Latest posts #2 element, added more customisation options;
Improvement: Tweaked static content product presentation element's js;
Improvement: Simple slider element, added responsive height options;
Improvement: Portfolio item page's share links popup window;
Improvement: Grid image boxes element, added new styling options;
Improvement: Contact form button, added size option;
Fix: Contact form on IE11
Fix: IOS issues with scroll to top button.
Fix: Google Maps in tabs
Fix: Side by side menu widget
Fix: Slideshows fix for IE11;
Fix: Attachments alt/title + WPML problem;
Fix: Bestselling products query in Shop product presentation;
Fix: Countdown element alignment;
Fix: Inline Live editor various fixes;
Fix: Static content event countdown multiple on a single page;
Fix: CSS3 panels filters;
Fix: Hide Smart area Footer from PB not working;
Other general small fixes and improvements.
- 提示:这篇文章发布于 2016/10/24,作者 99839,总计 4330 字.
- 原文: KALLYAS 企业/购物/产品展示 WordPress汉化主题[4.5.1] | 爱壹主题