Performance Optimizer Plugin是一款全能优化插件,支持数据库优化;网站缓存;.htaccess优化;gzip压缩;图片延缓显示lazy load;javascript优化;CSS优化;header优化。只需要简单设置即可。

Performance Optimizer 全能wordpress优化插件

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Performance Optimizer 全能wordpress优化插件


The plugin will help you increase the performance of your WordPress website. We aim to do this by optimizing key features of the website’s loading process thus increasing the loading speed and limiting the bandwidth consumption.


  • database optimization support
    The following actions can be performed: remove post’s revisions,remove post’s auto drafts,remove comments marked as spam and optimizes database tables.
  • cache system
    The caching system includes a wide range of options that you will find in the admin area each option has a detailed description of what it does.
  • .htaccess optimization
    The .htaccess code will be put in automatically, no configuration needed.
  • gzip content
    The .htaccess code will be inserted automatically no configuration needed.This feature will help speed up your website if your server offers gzip library.
  • adding expiry headers
    The .htaccess code will be inserted automatically no configuration needed. This feature will help speed up your website considerably for returning visitors.
  • lazy load for images
    The javascript code wil be automatically inserted into your website footer. This feature will help you save bandwitdh and will also help speed up your website a lot
  • disable hot linking to your blog images from other websites
    The .htaccess code will be inserted automatically no configuration needed. This feature will help you save bandwidth.
  • optimizations added for javascript files
    Settings area for the js optimization that includes: turn minification on/off, set files to be ignored by the minification process, move files between the footer and the header of the page, combine files to lower the number of requests.
  • minify added for css files
    The css files will be minifyed automatically, no configuration needed.
  • etags support
    This will help speed up the site.
  • WordPress header optimization
    This is the only option that can be customized in the admin section. You can see the configuration possibilities bellow in the “Configuration section”.
  • Jigoshop compatible

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Performance Optimizer 全能wordpress优化插件



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