BoomBox是一款适合文章分享及杂志型商业主题,具有一流的设计和极其可定制的布局,充满了娱乐分享和独特功能,由最强大的分享内容构建器提供支持。 可以填写新闻,列表,投票或测验,通过社交分享,趋势,反应和上/下投票系统传播他们,驱动博客社区和任何类型的广告货币化。 是一款不可多得的视频搞笑类博客使用。
// v2.5.5 - 08.06.2018
- New: Added GDPR compliance options - New: Option for changing color of address bar in mobile browser - Improvement: MyCred plugin: default badge image activated - Fixed: Zombify plugin: audio player doesn't show after uploading file - Fixed: Loco translation plugin doesn't effect to Zombify plugin's texts - Fixed: Multiple minor fixes
/ v2.5.4 - 31.05.2018
- New: Custom logo for category posts - Improvement: WpBakery plugin: added hide elements options for Boombox listing element - Fixed: Zombify plugin doesn't work with Safari 11 - Fixed: Zombify plugin: issue related to scheduled posts publishing date - Fixed: Single Post: issue related to Gif icon that appeared on the images - Fixed: Multiple minor fixes