
Prolific is an uncluttered, modern WordPress Portfolio theme with lots of options. With the ability to customize the entire interface, you will not likely run out of showcasing options for your portfolio work. Prolific comes packed with main skins, light & dark, both of which are HIGHLY customizable. If you need to display your best projects without all of the clutter, Prolific is the portfolio theme for you.


Prolific – A Modern WordPress Portfolio Theme

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Prolific – A Modern WordPress Portfolio Theme


Design & Feature

  • SUPER EASY Setup and Customization at your fingertips! To see how easy it is to control Prolific, clickScreenshots
  • Custom Admin with sweet tabbed browsing and simplified uploading for slider images.
  • The ability to upload your own, custom patterns if you choose.
  • 25+ powerful short codes. Organized nicely in a tabbed modal.
  • 15 Google serif & sans serif fonts to choose from.
  • Awesome Testimonials short code, populated by pages.
  • Site wide, widgetized content functionality allowing for nearly endless layout possibilities.
  • 4 Sliders including a Full-Width Slider, Category Post Slider, Nivo Slider and an all new 3d Slice Box Slider! (3d Functionality Compatible with Safari and Chrome, reverts to 2d on other browsers)

Demo & Download

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Prolific – A Modern WordPress Portfolio Theme



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1 条评论

  1. 2012/02/16 03:59

