Polaroid slider mimics the feeling of the old-style polaroid photographs. It’s a powerful javascript-css slider using CSS3 and jQuery! Create slides with image, video or HTML content or generate slides from your favorite flickr or 500px feeds.

Polaroid 功能强大的WordPress幻灯片插件[1.10]

The WordPress Toolbox
Unlimited Downloads: 500,000+ WordPress Themes, Plugins, Templates & Design Assets

Polaroid 功能强大的WordPress幻灯片插件[1.10]


Tested with all major browser versions including internet exploder 7-8 and variety of mobile devices!

Polaroid 功能强大的WordPress幻灯片插件[1.10]


  • Easy setup, easy to use
  • User and browser friendly administrator page
  • Multiple Sliders per page
  • Possible to add sublides for each slide! Mobile touch devices also supported!
  • “Content Drag Effect” with subslides – See this demo
  • Shortcodes can be inserted into pages, post and widgets as well
  • Polaroid slider widget also included
  • Handles image slides, video and custom HTML slides
  • Customisable Slider animations
  • Uses the built-in WordPress media uploader
  • Wide browser support (even internet explorer 7-8!)
  • Font selector (100+ fonts!) with classic web fonts and Google web Fonts
  • Slide generator for Flickr.com and 500px.com rss feeds.
  • Responsive Width!
  • Autoplay options (timeout, restart)
  • Fullscreen mode (depending on the size of the actual window)
  • Customisable navigation bar (squares with CSS3 capabilities)
  • Customisable navigation arrows
  • Advanced HTML labels with positioning, coloring, opacity and animation options
  • 50+ slider and slide options!
  • Adjustable init and move animations

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Polaroid 功能强大的WordPress幻灯片插件[1.10]



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1 条评论

  1. 这个好用么?
