WooiTuts is an advanced WordPress theme for all of those ever wanted to create a cool Communtiy site, like an Tutorial blog, Tech blog or whatever type of blog you want to setup you can do it with WooiTuts. WooiTuts comes with some very advanced theme admin options, General Settings where you can chose which categorie you want to show inside the slider, Social media setting where you can ad your twitter account name, rss feed address and rss email feed link, Custom Widget where you can select or deselect the option to show your popular posts, advertisments managment where you can insert your ad image and link for sidebar 4×125, 1×300x250 and bottom any size and a option to ad your analytics code from google or whatever type of tracking tool your using.
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- 提示:这篇文章发布于 2011/10/10,作者 99839,总计 680 字.
- 原文: WooiTuts – Advanced community WordPress Theme | 爱壹主题